Workshops for Attorneys
This program is focused on helping attorneys who wish to improve their ability to communicate to those around them.
Emotional Impact: What can attorneys learn from filmmakers…and social psychologists?
Effectiveness in communication can be advanced by cross fertilization, cherry-picking methods from other disciplines. Concepts from the arts, especially filmmaking, but also from social psychology, can empower communication with clients, employees and peers.
The arts amplify emotions through the use of hidden codes. Influencing mood and perspective is the point of art – whether drama, painting, literature, dance, or music. Movies use implicit multi-layered methods. The viewer is often unaware of the intricate dramatic, experiential methods that filmmakers use for impact.
Social psychology studies the way in which people are influenced outside of awareness. People respond to contextual markers and demand characteristics without realizing their response or what precipitated it.
We will explore how powerful, covert codes from various arts can be folded into our daily repertoire. We will deconstruct a scene from a movie, and then extract principles that can be applied in the law office or court room. Regardless of professional orientation and level of experience, attendees will find ways to use the concepts we uncover by using previously untapped possibilities in communication.